Zinsser 1 lb. Roll-A-Tex Fine Texture Paint Additive adds a decorative texture to your paint. The additive mixes easily with any paint adding beauty and flair while filling light cracks and imperfections.
Adds depth and dimension to any surface, prevents soaking, blotching and uneven paint coloring.
- For use on interior or exterior cement block, brick, wood, drywall and plaster surfaces
- Powder additive that mixes with any paint - Mix entire contents with one gallon of paint
- Eliminates the need for tedious and time-consuming crack repair, hides building defects
- Covers surface cracks and flaws
- Restores and beautifies in one low-cost application with a roller or brush
- Covers repaired surface in 1-coat
- Can be applied to old and new surfaces
- Follow paint manufacturer’s directions for clean up
- Fine Texture